"संस्कृत की सूक्तियाँ": अवतरणों में अंतर

छो using AWB
पंक्ति ४२:
उड्डीयापुण्यवतां गच्छन्ति कपोतकाः पश्य ॥
अक्षमः क्षमतामानी क्रियायां यः प्रवर्तते ।
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पच्यते नरके घोरे दह्यमानः स्वकर्मणा ॥
अग्निरापः स्त्रियो मूर्खाः सर्पा राजकुलानि च ।
Line ७७ ⟶ ७४:
नित्यं यत्नेन सेव्यानि सद्यः प्राणहराणि षट् ।।
अग्निरापः स्त्रियो मूर्खाः सर्पा राजकुलानि च ।
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क्षमावन्तो निराकाराः काष्ठे ऽग्निरिव शेरते ॥
सन्तोषः परमो लाभः सत्सङ्गः परमा गतिः ।
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Contentment is the highest gain, Good Company the highest course, Enquiry the highest wisdom, and Peace the highest enjoyment.
खिन्नं चापि सुभाषितेन रमते स्वीयं मनः सर्वदा
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कर्तव्यो हि सुभाषितस्य मनुजैः आवश्यकः संग्रहः ..
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समृद्धं सौभाग्यं सकलवसुधायाः किमपि यन्
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कश्चित्कान्ताविरहगुरूण स्वाधिकारात्प्रमत्तः
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अद्यापि तां कनकचंपकदामगौरीं
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चुम्बन्तो गण्डाभित्तीरलकवतिमुखे सीत्कृतान्या दधाना
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गणयति गुणग्रामं भामं भ्रमादपि नेहते
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किमपि किमपि मन्दं मन्दमासक्तियोगाद
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.. सुभाषिताणि संग्रहाणि ..
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(2) Really implies excessive separation
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( Said by Rama upon viewing Lanka )
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employed for the assistance of others.
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this or that
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by a king and all the three worlds because of vishnu.
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Writing on a wave!"
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during fame, and addiction to knowledge - all
these come naturally to great people.
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precious stones cannot be found on every mountain
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is blessed with sandal trees, and good people are
not to be found everywhere.
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is true homey, brother, pal."
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Where the man to fund it?"
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Income as well as expenditure give pain - Fie on Money ! -
which is the cause of hardship.
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do from high-up sky?"
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Sacrificing (giving) at a deserving place, recognizing
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knowledgable in the sciences, a warrior in
wars are The five qualities of ( a good man).
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Angry one moment and content another. changing moods
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dude to talk to, what a pain!"
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never preach."
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transgressing laws of conduct, insulting those with high
qualities, spoiling well being and acting against Dharma.
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man earn wealth, how can a penniless man have friends,
and how can anyone be happy without friends ?
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Whole world is my familay"
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All qualities take shelter with gold.
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but is it coke or is it pepsi?"
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noble speech is the only true adornment,
it is the basis of culture,
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Character makes good looks prettier,
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accomplishments and money's worth is enhanced by
spending it.
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pathetic to behold."
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बान्धवाः कुलम् इच्छन्ति मिष्टान्नम् इतरे जनाः .. \SCOUNT..
( When a girl gets married )
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qualifications the relatives in his family status,
the other guests merely in the feast.
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Good MBA find use for all of those."
अनित्यानि शरीराणि विभवः नैव शाश्वतः .
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muscle, bigger cash."
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plays of young women, he must be either an
enlightened sage, or an (unfeeling) animal.
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(regarding evaluating and understanding any
book or article)
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is their consciousness of Dharma - a man without
the feeling of Dharma is comparable to an animal.
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ना गुणी गुणिनाम् वेत्ति गुणी गुणीषु मत्सरी .
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other talented persons, such simple
people are rare indeed.
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serving others is a good deed, and it is a sin
to inflict pain onto others.
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in all directions there is none more
capable than the wind.
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Hope is an amazing bonding chain of man.
Those who are bonded by it run, and those
who are free, remain immobile like disabled.
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The mind, speech, and action of downfallen
people function in an uncoordinated manner,
where as those of great souls display one pointedness.
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Knowledge is the highest beauty in man and it is the
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respected and revered by the rulers. One without
knowledge is like an animal.
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home. To the sick the right medicine is a friend. Dharma
(righteousness) is a friend even beyond the grave.
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family, yet without education they do not shine,
as the `kimshuka' which have beauty but no fragrance.
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When time comes for their use neither that knowledge
nor that wealth will be available.
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sweeter is a poem in it, and even sweeter is a
subhashita form.
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महाजनो येन गतः सपन्थाः .. \SCOUNT..
सज्जनस्य हृदयं नवनीतम्
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When the distress (heat) is directed at another body
the kind person('s heart) melts, but butter does not.
लालयेत् पंचवर्षाणि दशवर्शाणि ताडयेत् .
प्राप्तेषु षोडषे वर्षे पुत्रे मित्रवदाचरेत् .. \SCOUNT..
(The rules regarding handling the children are
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reprimand them (after that) for ten years, (but)
once they become sixteen years of age treat them like friends.
अहं च त्वं च राजेन्द्र लोकनाथावुभावपि .
बहुव्रीहिरहं राजन् षष्ठितत्पुरुषो भवान् .. \SCOUNT..
O king, both of us are Lokanaath`s.
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ShhashhThi tatpurushha breaks it as,
A of B or B`s A (or vice-versa)).
तार तार तरेरेतैरुत्तरोत्तरतोरुतैः .
रतार्ता तित्तिरी रौति तेएरे तेएरे तरौ तरौ .. \SCOUNT..
Love thirsty she-bird (it is a female Titar bird =
Line १,२१७ ⟶ १,१२३:
(anupraas). The last combination of words is broken
like taraiH etaiH uttarittartaH utaiH.)
भो दारिद्र्यं नमस्तुभ्यं तत्प्रसादात् मया च्चुतः .
पश्याम्यहं जगत.ः सर्वं न मां पश्यति कश्चन .. \SCOUNT..
Hail poverty, you have set me free. It is because of you,
that I can see everybody else, but nobody can see me.
चितां प्रज्वलितां दृष्ट्वा वैद्यो विस्मयमागतः .
नाहं गतः न मे भ्राता कस्यैदं हस्तलाघवं .. \SCOUNT..
On seeing a burning body (funeral), a doctor remarks
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nor have my brothers-in-business, then who has come
up with this sleight of hand?`
घटं भिन्द्यात् पटं छिन्द्यात् कुर्यात रासभरोहणं .
येन केन प्रकरेण प्रसिद्धः पुरुषो भवेत् .. \SCOUNT..
By breaking pots, tearing clothes, or riding on a donkey,
a man(/woman) tries to be famous by hook or crook.
कमले ब्रह्मा शेते, हरः शेते हिमालये .
क्षीरब्धौ च हरिः शेते, मन्ये मत्कुणशन्कय .. \SCOUNT..
Lord Brahma sleeps on a lotus,
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'''वाक्य संग्रह'''
ॐ तत् सत्
Line १,७३९ ⟶ १,६३३:
स्वयमेव मृगेन्द्रता
%%%% Possible rejects for the given reasons. They are not bad or wrong, but probably not suitable.
Too abstract/philosophical, explanations are likely to be too complicated, does not mean much out of context!
अप्राप्य मनसा सह
Line २,०५७ ⟶ १,९४८:
== बाह्य-सूत्र ( लिंक ) ==
* [http://subhashitamanjari.blogspot.com सुभाषितमञ्जरी]